
Content InKubator

I study the science of creativity and use it to help you build your dream creative business. I built mine in 11 months, so I guess I know something 🤷

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🧑‍🏭: Should you dominate one platform?

Hello Reader, Recently, I've seen the concept of "dominating one platform" when building your online presence. It means creating for only one channel to become a master of it. Here's why I think it doesn't work: Content ≠ Creating Creating content that people love is only half of the story. An important one, sure. But creating within only one platform diminishes the importance of the other half of efficient content operations: Distribution. Or serving the content to your audience in the...

Hello Reader, Before we start: If you enjoy this newsletter, it'd mean the world if you dropped this email into your primary inbox. It's simple: Thank you, and let's get to this week's topic: Did you know Pixar's employees spend their work days in doll houses, Reader? And that's the least crazy thing happening there. A soccer field A volleyball court A 600-feet amphitheater Are just a few of all the benefits you get working at Pixar. (I just want to point out – my last employee told me to...

Hello Reader, Before we start: If you enjoy this newsletter, it'd mean the world if you dropped this email into your primary inbox. It's simple: Thank you, and let's get to this week's topic: On a scale of 1-10, how much you’d rate your ability to control your creativity, Reader? Are you able to deliver consistent creative work every day — or are you getting stuck in creative ruts regularly, waiting for creativity to happen to you? Now, if you rated yourself a 10 out of 10 — send over some...

Before we start: If you enjoy this newsletter, it'd mean the world if you dropped this email into your primary inbox. It's simple: Thank you, and let's get to this week's topic: On a scale of 1-10, how much you’d rate your ability to control your creativity, Reader? Are you able to deliver consistent creative work every day — or are you getting stuck in creative ruts regularly, waiting for creativity to happen to you? Now, if you rated yourself a 10 out of 10 — this email is probably not for...

Let me be honest with you, Reader, I have one major regret about my creator journey. Something I didn't do despite everyone telling me it's going to bite me in the ass later on. Spoiler alert: It did. I'm talking about building an emergency fund. At least 3 months of your salary saved up on your account. I heard I should do it from practically everyone. But my ego won here, telling me: "Pff, it's not going to happen to me!" Of course, I was 100% wrong. In 2023, things went south for 3 months....

Hello Reader, I'm not the one to post sob stories on social media. I get a rash on my eyes when I see white, straight men from the US complaining about the make-believe hardships they've read about in some self-development book. Harsh? Yeah, maybe. But I have a reason behind it: Over the last year, I've met exceptional creative entrepreneurs. Their ideas left me inspired for weeks. Their grit motivated me to take leaps into the unknown. Their perseverance stayed with me when things got hard....

Apple Store shop front

Hello Reader, 21.21 billion USD. This is how much Apple made in the 3rd quarter of 2023. But what you don’t know is that this enormous money doesn’t come from iPhones, iPads, or MacBooks. It comes from Apple’s software. Apple Music, Apple TV+, App Store, and many others. They all contribute to an almost double gross margin compared to the physical Apple products. When I read this shocking info, I wondered: “How is that possible?!” Most of the content Apple offers is already available...

Hello Reader, Talking to content creators, I hear 1 question almost every time: "Do I have the personality to create content?" And this is a fair question, especially when you see so many creators doing some crazy things all the time that drive insane engagement. Are you destined to fail just because you don’t want to record videos like Mr. Beast? Or hustle on LinkedIn and Twitter like Justin Welsh? Absolutely not. Let me show you: Meet Larry: An ex-military 69-year-old man who records...

Hello Reader, What do you think is the most important part of effective content marketing? Original format? Nah. I tried so many of them, but the formats didn't really change how impactful my content is. Using templates? HELL NAH. Templates are usually just trash. Maybe using humor? IDK, my jokes usually suck. The real reason is something much... simpler. In this week's video, I'm talking all about it: ✨ This newsletter's sponsored by: You know what I hate the most about being a 1-person...

Hello Reader, Just 1 year ago, I thought I'd have to work for a company to live off content creation. Today, I'm running my own creative business, and live fully off of the thing I love most: Creating exceptional content for exceptional people (you). In this week's video, I'm showing 4 steps I used to build my content creator career from scratch. (probably my best video yet): This video is also my first BRAND COLLAB video 😭 Living that influencer dream, are we? 🤣 Speaking of: Today's sponsor:...